QuickPlan on my own homepage

We offer you the possibility to integrate our planning tool QuickPlan on your own homepage, whereby you are of course permanently set as the desired installer. Inquiries reach you so directly and without detour.
To be able to offer QuickPlan on your own homepage, it is sufficient to embed an appropriate code at a suitable place in the source code of your homepage (you don't know how? Your webmaster can surely help you!).
Terms of use: There are no license or maintenance fees for your use. All inquiries are recorded by the central QuickPlan contact management system, but we only use them anonymously and for statistical purposes. We only access project data at your express request, e.g. for technical support. You yourself are responsible for contact processing in terms of high customer satisfaction.
Are you interested?
to the partner login
to the partner registration
Possible types of representation
QuickPlan will be integrated into your homepage including header and logo. You can determine the background color of the header and logo yourself.
QuickPlan is integrated into your homepage without header and logo. This way you can customize the environment on your homepage with your own code
Start button only
Only a start button with a width of 270 pixels will be integrated into your homepage. The program itself starts neutrally in a new window. So you can also formulate the welcome text yourself